Saturday, September 20, 2008

An outside fieldtrip to the gardens

We had our 2nd field trip this week. We went to the Gardens then had a picnic afterwards. Once again, the kids had a great time. Who says homeschooled kids can't have fun? In the pictures they were learning how to see how old a tree is by counting the rings.


Amy V. said...

How is Calyie's lip? Poor baby! I love the pictures Adria did for you. They are just beautiful & ones you will treasure forever.

Tammy said...

Could you email the picture of your kids and mine with Bella? Thanks!! How are you? I haven't talked to you for several hours..I hope everything is good:)

MorningSong said...

Wasn't that a fun field trip??! I hope to see you and the kids again soon!

(Did you get the invite to see my blog?)