Well, it has been a while since I have posted anything. I was going to try and catch up while we were on vacation, but I didn't. Lots has been going on with us lately. 1st of all, we went on a road trip to Illinois and Michigan to visit family. Chris's brother, Tim and his wife and kids live in Illinois, so we visited them the weekend before Thanksgiving. On our way to see them, we stopped and had dinner with my cousin, Amy and her husband Christian and their kids. It was so good to see them! After a weekend with Tim and Robin, we headed to Michigan for the week of Thanksgiving. It was good for my mom, stepdad, and sister to get to spend that time with the kids. There was snow, so they got to go sledding, build a snowman, make snow angels, and of course, taste the snow!! While we were there, CAB had a sore throat with red tonsils with white pus pockets and horrible breath!! Thank goodness I have a wonderful pediatrician who knows me and was nice to call in antibiotics so she could get better. Then, CPB is prone to sinus infections and gets asthma like symptoms...he got a dry hacky cough with slight wheezing that the albuterol would not help, so we headed to the walk in clinic where he was diagnosed with a sinus infection, given steroids and an antibiotic. Now he is much better! EB also started a croupy cough that wouldn't break, so she got started on some Orapred. Now that we are home, LG has had congestion for a month or so now, and yesterday, stopped nursing well, and was pulling on her ear. Yep...she has an ear infection. Thank you Publix for the free antibiotics!! Just a side, in case you didn't know, Publix offers a list of FREE antibiotics. Some are Amoxicillin, and Omnicef, but there is a list of 8-10 of them that they give for free. That is for children as well as adults.
I have to admit that I have been spending my time reading everyone else's blogs that I haven't taken that time to blog on mine. I just love my money saving blogs that I have on my sidebar. They keep me up to date on Publix items, coupons and free items. I have been saving lots of money at the grocery store! It has been fun.
I hope to post some updated pictures of the kids soon!
I am very excited about the Christmas holidays, but I am not so excited about spending so much money. My kids need...nothing! They are blessed with plenty of clothes, toys, etc...I am struggling with what to do and get for them this year. If you have any good ideas...please share.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Update on one day at a time and sleepless nights
It has been a while since I have blogged. Life is a little crazy around here. I don't even have recent pictures of the kids. It has been probably 3 weeks since I have taken a picture! I need to work on that LG is getting so big so fast! She is now 17 lbs and 4 months old. She is so much fun!
I had posted how I was going to clean my house one room at a time. That lasted about 3 days. I started with our bedroom changed sheets, mopped the hardwoods, cleaned the blinds, put away all the clothes...a good cleaning. It did feel really good when I walked around the house looking at all the other mess, I could go in my room and know that I DID accomplish something today. Day 2 I did our bathroom and LG's room. Her room was pretty clean already. Day 3 I had all the kids change their sheets and pick up their rooms, but that was as far as it got. My days got away from me and then my room was a mess again and I was thoroughly disappointed. I think after Thanksgiving I will give it another shot. I just like everything clean at one time. So anyways, that worked for all of 3 days.
On the sleepless nights, it didn't last that long. She did fairly well. I just did my homecare treatments with her...saline and suction, elevate the head of the bed, and cool mist humidifier. She was over it in about a week. Had a well baby check up last week and chest and ears were all clear! Made it through cold #1 with no infections. All my other kids had ear infections with the first cold. She has not had a very good day today. She has been rather fussy and only catnapped about 3 times all day for 15 min. each. We put her down at 9:30 and she just woke up crying a few minutes ago. She seems to have a tummy ache.
Please pray for my friend, Jill and her little girl, Sydney. I worked with her in L&D and she also worked with me doing Triage last year. Her little girl has been having stomach problems and I spoke with her on Sunday night and she was very concerned. I saw on facebook today that she was admitted to the PICU at Children's last night. Just pray that they can find out what is causing her to be so sick and that it is nothing serious.
I had posted how I was going to clean my house one room at a time. That lasted about 3 days. I started with our bedroom changed sheets, mopped the hardwoods, cleaned the blinds, put away all the clothes...a good cleaning. It did feel really good when I walked around the house looking at all the other mess, I could go in my room and know that I DID accomplish something today. Day 2 I did our bathroom and LG's room. Her room was pretty clean already. Day 3 I had all the kids change their sheets and pick up their rooms, but that was as far as it got. My days got away from me and then my room was a mess again and I was thoroughly disappointed. I think after Thanksgiving I will give it another shot. I just like everything clean at one time. So anyways, that worked for all of 3 days.
On the sleepless nights, it didn't last that long. She did fairly well. I just did my homecare treatments with her...saline and suction, elevate the head of the bed, and cool mist humidifier. She was over it in about a week. Had a well baby check up last week and chest and ears were all clear! Made it through cold #1 with no infections. All my other kids had ear infections with the first cold. She has not had a very good day today. She has been rather fussy and only catnapped about 3 times all day for 15 min. each. We put her down at 9:30 and she just woke up crying a few minutes ago. She seems to have a tummy ache.
Please pray for my friend, Jill and her little girl, Sydney. I worked with her in L&D and she also worked with me doing Triage last year. Her little girl has been having stomach problems and I spoke with her on Sunday night and she was very concerned. I saw on facebook today that she was admitted to the PICU at Children's last night. Just pray that they can find out what is causing her to be so sick and that it is nothing serious.
Homeschoolers "attacked"
I was just reading some blogs as I have been doing regularly. It has become my new "t.v." I would rather read how to save money and about other homeschooling families and get ideas and so forth. I just came across a blog http://www.agardenofblessings.blogspot.com/ and she was telling how the View on ABC was discussing the Obama kids and where they should go to school. Joy made a comment on how homeschoolers are "demented and afraid of other children!" I went to ABC.com and left them a comment on how I felt about it. You can view it here http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=6271001 pretty disappointing. I don't have time to watch the View anyways, but if I did, I would stop.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sleepless nights
Oh how I have forgotten so much about having a baby around. It has been 5 years since I have done this....but it all comes back so quickly! LG has been sleeping so well since she was born. In fact, at the hospital she was sleeping through the night and the nurses were upset that I would not wake her to feed her. After 3 babies, I know you NEVER wake a sleeping baby during the night!! Anyways she has slept great--totally through the night since about 3 weeks old. The last 2 nights have been awful! The night before last she woke at midnight then was awake a while then I saw the clock again at 3:40 and again at 4:30 and 5:30 you get my drift. She was not needing to eat, she was just figity. Well, I understand why now. Last night at midnight she woke and she is so congested she can't breathe through her nose very well. We have our first cold.:( She was up several more times during the night. I had to turn on the lights and saline and suction her at about 4 am so she could breathe. This morning she has been coughing and sneezing and runny nose. It is so sad!! I guess going through all this again helps me to be a better nurse. Now I can relate fairly well with the mom who calls and her baby has been up all night and can't breathe through her nose. The FDA has recommended that no cough and cold meds be given to any child under the age of 4 now, so not much is recommended but home care. She is sleeping now. Hopefully she will get over it soon and sleep through the night again!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Cabin
CAB and CPB on a horse

EB and AW- aren't they cute? EB cleaning her fish
EB's fish CAB's fish
EB and AW- aren't they cute? EB cleaning her fish
EB's fish CAB's fish
Thanks to our wonderful, gracious friends, Jason and Michelle, we were able to get away for the weekend last weekend. We were away from everything. Michelle's parents have a cabin in the middle of nowhere Mississippi. They have a small lake, horses, cows, donkeys, roosters, cats, dogs, 4 wheelers, goats, tons of acrage etc.....The kids had a blast! They got to go fishing, then scaled the fish, ride horses, feed horses, ride the 4 wheeler, drive the Kaboda, go to a carinval, run and play outside with friends without a care in the world. They made memories that will last a lifetime. It is so relaxing out there. It was nice to be away from the phone (cell phones don't work out there), the computer, the TV (although they had a tv, the kids for the most part stayed outside.) The simple life. There really is no time out there. No rushing here and there, nothing that has to be done right this minute, etc...it was soooo nice. Michelle's parents were so wonderful to let 3 families come stay at their home for the weekend. They blessed our family, I pray they will be blessed too!
One day at a time
I have been completely overwhelmed lately with how much work my house needs. We have lived here for a year now and has not had a good cleaning since we moved in. I was pregnant almost immediately after we moved in and then along comes 1 more.... more things to keep me busy like feeding a baby all day and an extra load or 2 of laundry a week and so on and so forth. So-I used to read the Fly Lady a long time ago and I remember one of the big things is you do a little bit at a time. My problem with this is that I like my house all cleaned at the same time. It just feels so good to have a clean house. I was laying in bed the other night unable to fall asleep because of all the things I needed to do were weighing heavy on my mind I looked up and the fan that is no longer spinning round and round because it is cold outside was staring at me with a thick coat of dust. Then I decided I would try the Fly Lady's old tricks. I am going to just clean 1 room at a time---but clean it WELL! I started yesterday and CAB and I cleaned mine and Chris's room. We changed the sheets, made the bed, cleaned the blinds, cleaned the fan, dusted all the furniture, swiffered all the dust from under our bed and dresser and mopped. It was so nice to have such a clean room! I felt like I actually accomplished something! I am going to continue through this week and I should be able to get the whole upstairs done, I hope! At least all our beds and baths will be done. I will let you know how it goes. Day one went well. I also found out that if you give CAB a wipe-she will go to town cleaning. She also likes to swiffer.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
3 months old already!
Our precious LG....so loved by her brother and sisters! They adore her. She is getting so big. She is such a wonderful addition to our family. She just giggles at us she is cooing lots. She has started shoving her fists in her mouth and drooling. She sleeps from about 9pm to 7am. She is just a wonderful baby.
Locks of Love
Zoo Trip
The kids have been begging me to take them to the zoo. Our zoo pass ran out last summer and then we moved, I was pregnant, then this summer the new baby. This fall I ran out of excuses. I caved and we renewed our zoo pass. The kids had a blast! We got to see the new kangaroos. Here are some pics from our trip.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Gluten free blog
I have decided to start another blog. It is http://www.jenny-glutenfreefamily.blogspot.com/ I did this because EB has Celiac's Disease and our family is heading towards being completely gluten free. I have been researching the internet for recipes, websites, and gluten free foods for almost 3 months now. I thought this would be a good way to keep it all together. Maybe it will be helpful to someone out there. If not, it is at least a good way for me to organize all my gluten free information I have been collecting.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Such a compassionate spirit
The other day Tammy sent me a link to someones blog that needed prayer. I went to it, read the story and cried....a lot. You hear a lot of terrible things going on in people's lives and you are very sad for them, but there is something about when you can really put yourself in their shoes. This is a girl that is about to have her first baby and there is a medical problem and they have received news that the baby is not expected to live. I have been reading her blog daily since I got her link and today EB came up while I was reading it...and crying and wanted to know what I was reading about, so I told her. Before long she had huge tears that had swelled up in her eyes, then it was a full blown cry. She too, could imagine if she were going through this because she has a baby sister. She told me she was so sad for the girl that she may not be able to bring home her baby boy and experience the joy that we have experienced with LG. I was so amazed by her compassionate spirit. She had many questions, why is this happening and how does she know he is going to die, etc... it was a wonderful moment for us to talk about how we don't understand sometimes why things happen the way they happen. God has a perfect plan through it all. The girl I am talking about her name is Stacy and her baby's name is Issac. He is to be born tomorrow. Please pray for this family. Her blog site is http://sgirl79.blogspot.com/ He will carry me. Please pray for them. I cannot even imagine the pain she must be feeling now.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Our new way of life
This summer EB was diagnosed with Celiac's disease. She had been having stomach aches for 2 years, really since after her surgery to remove the tumor on her head. The GI MD was treating her for reflux which never quite made too much sense to me, only because the area of stomach pain was right at her belly button. When you have reflux, you typically have pain in the chest area as it burns when food comes back up the esophagus. Anyways, she was on 3 different meds for reflux and this spring was still complaining of stomach aches. I made another GI appointment and told the MD we needed to find out what the problem was. I was tired of her being on 3 different meds and still complaining of stomach pain. We did a blood test that day and it came back positive for Celiacs. We then scheduled an endoscopy for Aug. 1 which confirmed that she had Celiacs. Since then I have been researching the internet for all I can find on Celiacs. What foods are safe and which are not. It has been a challenging thing to do. We are pasta and bread people!! She cannot have anything with wheat, barley, or rye and should stay away from oats as well. So....no waffles, pancakes, muffins, cookies, cakes, pasta, bread, pizza, etc.....much to my surprise, there still is a lot of foods she can eat without problems. She can have all fruits, vegetables, and meats. Nothing breaded. The most difficult thing I have found so far is eating out. It has really cut down on our eating out, that is for sure! We probably had fast food at least 2x a week and ate at a restaurant probably an average of 1x a week. We can still eat out, it just takes careful planning. I am so proud of EB through all this. She understands what she can and cannot have and why. It still, as a mother, breaks my heart that she can't have some of the really tasty things she likes. Like last night we were at some friends house and for dessert all there was were brownies, cake and cookies. All the other kids got to eat all the yummy stuff and she couldn't have any. It will give her a bad stomach ache if she had some. She asked if she could have a brownie and said she didn't care if she got a stomach ache that it was worth it. I just couldn't do it. As her mother, I have to do what is right for her. I told her no. That we have been working too hard on this new way of eating to go and ruin it. I told her we would stop and get her a frosty from Wendys on the way home, just for her. That made her ok with it. It makes me so happy that she has not been having stomach aches, and that her skin is so baby soft instead of rough and itchy. This new way of life is worth it if it means her health is better. I have decided that this house will be gluten free. We will all eat this way the best we can. I am learning that we can still eat the yummy stuff, it is just finding the right yummy things to eat. I have found a muffin mix that is really good. I have made it about 3 times now, each time changing some of the recipe to make it better. Chris had some for breakfast this morning and really enjoyed them. I have made homemade chocolate chip cookies from a toll house recipe just using a gluten free flour. They turned out pretty good too. I have yet to find a good bread recipe, so we eat lunchmeat with no bread, or on a corn tortilla. You have to become pretty creative with the food you can eat and you have to develop a taste for new things. When EB was diagnosed, Chris decided that he, too, wanted to go gluten free. If EB had to do it, he would do it too. CAB, also, only wants gluten free foods. In my research, I found that when you use flour in your kitchen, that the flour may linger in the air for hours. Also, that we needed separate toasters and utinsils for cooking. Already being gluten free is challenging enough in itself, let alone making sure that I am not cross contaminating any of her foods. So, gluten free will be our new way of life.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Back to work
Well, it is official, I have started back to work. Although I work from home, it is a big deal now that Chris has the 4 kids to take care of by himself. We had a great night last night. Work was rather slow, so I was able to come upstairs some to check on everyone and hold the baby some. LG did great. She did not cry at all, I don't think. She took a catnap and waited for me to come feed her at 8:30. Then Chris was able to put her in the bed and she went right to sleep. What a blessing! Also, there is a girl that I work with that has asked if we could share weekends. I work everyother and she is opposite of me. We both have 10 hour shifts on Sat. and Sun. and we are going to try and split them so I will work every Sat. and Sun. but only for 5 hours at a time. This is going to be great with the baby. 10 hours is a long day for Chris with an infant by himself. I was so proud of him last night. I had dinner all cooked and ready for them, but they emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it. So the kitchen was fairly clean when I was done working. That makes it so much easier on me to not have to wake up in the morning to a nasty kitchen and cook breakfast and homeschool! Thanks Honey!! I love you!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
An outside fieldtrip to the gardens
1st field trip
LG's 1st bottle
CPB's 2nd soccer game
I am really not sure who enjoys CPB's soccer games more, Chris or CPB. Last Sunday was week 2 of CPB's 3rd soccer season. He loves it. He is so competitive. He scored 5 goals in the game last week. He is really a team leader. It is so fun to watch him. I like to try and catch him with my camera in action. He is always running with his tongue hanging out.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
CPB's 1st soccer game this season
CPB did great today at his game. He was very aggressive and scored 3 goals. His team won. It was a lot of fun. Chris is not coaching this year. He offered, but they did not need his help. Today his team did to the other team what happened to us almost everygame last season. They creamed them! At one point, Chris was telling CPB he would be in trouble if he scored another goal. He was trying to help the other team out some, knowing how it feels to not be able to score at all against the other team. The teams are not put together very evenly as far as talent goes. Last year, CPB was the only one on the team who had played previously, all the other kids it was their first year. This season, CPB is on a team that everyone has played previously except 1. It should be fun to watch. All the kids are pretty aggressive and go for the ball.
Baby Dedication
Today LG was dedicated at our church. It was short and sweet. She looked beautiful. Wish you could have all been there. I can't believe all my children have been dedicated and that was the last time for dedication for us. I am finding as she is growing we are having a lot of lasts for us. It is kind of sad. I am just trying to enjoy every moment that I have with her and not take any of it for granted.
Back to baby dedication, CAB was asking me about it and what it meant. I told her that we were giving LG back to God. I guess I didn't tell her enough about it and she was obviouosly doing some thinking about it because this morning she had a question for me. I was making her breakfast and out of the blue she asked me "Do we need to give Him her pajamas?" I asked her what she was talking about and she said "Do we need to give God pajamas for LG when we give her to Him?" I about fell out laughing! How cute!
Here are some pictures. Mr. Allen took several close ups of her that I will post when he sends them.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
1st UAB game
Saturday was the opening season for the Blazers. Of course, Chris being a UAB alum and myself attending for 3 years, we must support those Blazers!! So, this time with 3 kids and baby in arms we packed up 2 diaperbags worth of supplies and drinks for the baby and kids. We went with Jason, Michelle, Jordan and baby Elizabeth. It was about 90 degrees outside at kickoff. Thankfully we sat out of the sun and in a line of a small breeze at times. LG got a little wind burned on her cheeks and nose. The kids had fun. They ate their hot dogs and drank their Sprites and had a good time, considering UAB LOST!!! Check out the uniform on LG (thanks Elizabeth!)
Feeling a little crafty
I was at a homeschool outing at Pump it up a few weeks ago and a friend had a nursing cover that was so cute. She said she got it on Ebay. I went to Ebay and they were about 20-60 dollars depending on how fancy you wanted. I asked Chris if I could go pick some fabric Friday night while he watched the kids. I got to go and pick some by myself!! Then I came home and dusted the cobwebs off my sewing machine. I love sewing. I just am not good at it. I don't know how to do anything except a basic stitch on my machine. Forget about monogramming although I would love to learn how. I had to re-teach myself even how to thread the machine. All in all I did finish my first sewing project in a long time, a nursing cover, without a pattern!! Here is a picture, although it is very wrinkled from being in my diaper bag. I got to use it at the game on Saturday. It was nice to not have to "fight" the blanket.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Through a 7 year old's eyes
I was telling EB about blogging and she would like to blog today. I thought this would be fun to see life through a 7 year old's eyes. Enjoy!!
I'm 7 years old. My birthday was July 18th. I love my new baby sister. I love horses. I love to ride horses. My new baby sisters name is LG. We like to play on Webkinz.com which we all like to do. We don't have cable. We want cable. I want to watch TV. I have a bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad owie.
Well, that's it. She did a good job. She was able to spell most of it herself. She really enjoyed typing. She says it is much better than writing. She said she would do this everyday instead of journal writing.
I'm 7 years old. My birthday was July 18th. I love my new baby sister. I love horses. I love to ride horses. My new baby sisters name is LG. We like to play on Webkinz.com which we all like to do. We don't have cable. We want cable. I want to watch TV. I have a bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad owie.
Well, that's it. She did a good job. She was able to spell most of it herself. She really enjoyed typing. She says it is much better than writing. She said she would do this everyday instead of journal writing.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
New to blogging
Wow. I have found yet another thing to consume my time. I really enjoy reading other friend's blogs, but now that I am working on my own, I realize how much time I could spend on this. I am just not sure exactly what I am doing so it is taking me a long time. Anyone who knows how to load the songs onto the blog please call me.....I cannot figure it out! I am sure it is something so simple but I spend about 3 hours on it Sunday afternoon.
I am excited about getting to journal our lives. I can never seem to have the time to sit and write on a piece of paper, but the computer and I have some attraction! So between facebook and blogging and an occasional game of webkins...he he hee, you can normally find me here.
Well, we are into week 4 of school and all is well. It is going a little more smooth than the first week. I think my hormones are finally calming down a little bit too, and this helps.
EB is doing well, now that we got who is in charge straight. The first week of school with her made me want to put her in public school, then I had to remember exactly why I am doing this and it puts me back in my place. Thanks Kristy for teaching that it is so important to KNOW YOUR WHY you homeschool! You saved me! I think also we have changed her diet due to her recent diagnosis of Celiac's. She cannot have any wheat, oats, barley, etc... anything with gluten. At first, I was extremely overwhelmed, but now it is getting slightly better. I am just so thankful that she actually thinks all this gluten free stuff tastes great! She had gluten free chocolate donuts for breakfast this morning. She loved them! They are no krispy kreme, but she didn't care. I thank the Lord for that! I am so thankful that she doesn't like bread to begin with! Anyways, since she has been on this gluten free diet, for about 2 weeks now, she seems to be doing better with school. She can stay focused a little better. She doesn't get as distracted. I still have to stay on her some, but not near as bad.
LG is doing wonderful. We are enjoying her so much! She is precious! She is a very happy baby. She has just started smiling at us a lot more now. She is a great eater. She has gained 3 lbs in 5 weeks. She will be 6 weeks old this Thurs. She slept for the longest time yet last night. She slept from 11 until 7 this morning. She woke at 3:45 as she has everynight for the past 2 weeks or so but I just gave her the passy and rocked her crib and we both fell back to sleep. I was scared to do it this way, because you can spend 30 minutes or so doing this and then still have to end up feeding and it taking over an hour. I would love to break the habit of her waking in the middle of the night. She definately weighs enough to be sleeping through the night!!
Thanks for reading my long post today. I won't be so long winded next time:).
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